looks like puke, tastes like a dream

Here’s a picture of my breakfast from yesterday. I told my sister about it, she responded with a “gross!”, and when I looked at my creation again, I thought the same thing. It does look a little bit like puke. But you can’t think about that, you must resist the urge to vomit when you see it, simply smell its deliciousness, and take a bite.

What is it? It’s scrambled eggs and chunky homemade tomato sauce. The sauce was just okay. Not my finest work, so I’ll leave out the details of what went into the sauce when I made it.

I had some leftover sauce from a lasagne that I had made about a week and a half ago, and not wanting the left over sauce to go to waste, and not really in the mood for pasta for breakfast, I decided to make an omelet and pour the sauce over. However, lack of any milk in the house changed the plan from an omelet to scrambled eggs.

I poured some olive oil into my new pan, threw in a sliced up clove or two of garlic, sauteed them, put in the left over sauce, heated it up until it bubbled, and then broke three eggs into it, stirring them and cooking them until they firmed up. Voila, you have a delicious, but foul looking plate of food to have for breakfast!

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