Don’t you hate that?

It’s been so long since I posted that I forgot my password to log in and post. Typical.

We’re building a patio this weekend, so today 18,000 lbs of gravel aggregate were dumped on my drive way. 18,000 lbs. That’s 8,165 KG. If you can’t grasp that number, just let me instill upon you that it is a lot of rock.

T-rex laughed for the first time on Sunday. I was clapping and she thought that that was hilarious. It was a very cute thing to see. She is now three months old. It’s crazy how fast this summer has gone. G-Monkey has been going around the house saying “I Maa” (I’m Mad). She is quite the little fireball.

Ronny is tired and is going to bed. I need to move some more rock in the morning.

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