Internet Research / Fig Leaves / Beer

I’m sitting here researching how best to care for a fig tree that’s very young and originated as a young cutting from a tree that belongs to my grandfather. Here’s a good article that I just found on the matter:

Just starting the research, and I decided that I needed to post about it, thereby delaying the research even further. The girls are asleep, both of them, at the same time!

You may have noticed that I’m trying to post something every day this week, but I can’t guarantee that all of them, or really any of them at all, will be very interesting. If you’re reading, just pop in with a comment and say ‘hi.’ I left this blog out to whither and dry for so long that I probably lost any regular readers that I had to begin with.

Well, that’s exactly what I don’t want to happen with the fig trees. I love figs, and I would really really love to have a mature fruiting tree here at the house.

I should also mention that while the girls are sleeping and I sit here and surf and type and read, I’m drinking a Red Oval Lager.  2.99/6-pack at Trader Joe’s .  As they say in many of the reviews here, you get what you pay for (well, more than one of them also say “It is what it is” — one of the most annoying non-statements if ever there was one, so, just ignore that and pay attention to the parts of the review that might actually help you understand what the beer is like.)  I like it, it’s 50 cents / can, and it’s much much more drinkable than the crap produced by the Miller / Anheuser Busch’s of the world.  Just don’t litter if you pick some up.

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