Pup’s Status

She’s feeling much much better and is practically back to normal.  We don’t have a definitive answer as to what the problem was, but it’s a pretty good bet that her intestinal lining was bothered by a date pit that caused some extreme aggravation.  Yes, a date pit.  Now, how did she get that?

She also has an extremely out of whack routing to her intestinal tract coming right out of the stomach, as it actually heads directly north and is attached to the wall of her abdomen near the spine.  The Doc says that this could be her “normal” development, or it could be because of some trama that caused the adhesion.  There hasn’t been any external trauma that I am aware of to cause something like that.  Regardless, I’m to be on the lookout for more vomiting and any other out of normal behavior.  Believe me, after the past two weeks I’m watching her like a hawk would watch a mouse. (But I’m not going to eat her like the hawk would the mouse, eventually.)

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