The Hulk opens for the US this Friday. Some say the CGI makes him look like Shrek. I don’t think that it’s quite that bad. I am more excited about the fact that this is a film directed by Ang Lee. After Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, I have no doubt that this will be a great movie. My only beef, before having seen it, is that I have to wait A MONTH after the US release in order to comment. Please don’t write to me and tell me about the movie. That would make me angry. You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.

I’m probably going to head up to London on Saturday, as I haven’t had the chance to do any more exploring of the city. I’ll probably do it by bike, as it’s a fun way to get around a new place. I loved riding around in Chicago years ago with Elaine and Jeremy, and I did it a couple of times this past fall in San Francisco. Any suggestions on places to check out in London will be most appreciated.

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