A Sunday Afternoon …

A Sunday afternoon sitting down to take care of a ‘few quick things’ with the website and all of a sudden I find that it’s 5:45 and I have to decide what to eat this evening.

If I haven’t spoken to you in a while, and that’s doubtful, because any of you reading this are in communication with me in some sort on a pretty regular basis, the latest news is that I am back on the soil of the United States. That news is itself about two months old now. I left Reading on the 25th of September and arrived back in San Francisco the same day.

Getting used to the United States again wasn’t all that hard. Hell, living here in the U.S. for 28 years, and then only six months in the UK wasn’t going to alter my perceptions completely but the change in me wasn’t negligible either. I had a great experience in the UK, and I came to appreciate a new perspective on my life and on the world from having lived there. I have my Italian passport, so jumping ship to the other side of the pond would be a snap. I’m not planning anything as of today, but Tuesday might bring with it a new view, and a new desire to migrate again.

I have since reconnected with old friends, have plans to see those that I haven’t seen yet, and have made some new friends. San Francisco is a good place to be.

I spent a good deal of time this afternoon getting the weblog portion of the site into a more manageable state with a new more aesthetically pleasing layout. Or maybe I didn’t; let me know what you think.

I’ll do better about keeping all of you who are on the edge of their seats with salivating anticipation regarding my adventures up to speed by logging in a little more often.

New pictures will be posted eventually. Take care. Keep in touch, email me.

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