“Everytime I try to get out, they keep pulling me back in!” — Michael Corleone

Well, I’m back. Back to what, you ask? Well, back to some more regular posts, since I finally have an easy means of accessing the files on my website securely from home. I can now write an entry and have it to you, my loyal readers in about 1/100th of a second. Maybe not, but you get the idea.

As I type this I’m sitting here, quietly looking out my bedroom window at the shady backyard, hearing the faint goings on in the neighborhood, and observing, for the first time in a long time, that dusk is here. The sun is setting but there is still enough light to see everything through the window. Nothing in particular is on my mind. It will probably be fully dark within the hour, and I hope to have finished this entry by then. I would like to have a drink on the porch as the sun sets.

There’s been a couple of recent developments in my life, some big changes.

I quit my job. I am no longer a customer support engineer as of the 23rd of July. What next? Well, let me tell you what the original plan was, and what the current plan is. After I quit, I was going to spend the rest of the summer here in CA, enjoying some time off in this state without the day-to-day worry of having to go to a job. I was going to ride my bikes, sleep, and go on some multiday camping trips. There is much to see in this state that I have not yet seen. I was then going to go on an extended couch surfing trip; selling a lot of my bigger items, putting the rest in storage and then hitting the road. Staying, undoubtedly, on the couches of you who are reading this right now.

However my life isn’t going to happen quite like that any more, and what follows is the current plan. Last week, I went for a run with the Director of the Field Services division of my company, the consultants. We talked about the company, the buyout, where we were going, and his need for someone in his department. He asked me to consider the position. I spoke with the man who’s going to be my new boss, and after a few days of consideration, I’m on my way to becoming a full time traveling consultant.

I still want the couch surfing trip, want it desperately in fact, but in weighing my options, this offer was too good to pass up now. If I don’t like it, I can always walk away as I had already. I’m going to do it for a while, perhaps a year, and during that time, I’m going to reassess where it is I want to go with my life. Am I too old to be thinking about what I want to be when I grow up? No, and even if you say yes, well, poop on you, I’m going to change anyway. That’s my story.

It’s getting harder to see anything in my shady backyard, so I’m going to wrap up and head to the kitchen for the G&T I’ve been thinking about. Hope everyone has [had] a good 4th of July weekend. See you soon.

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