pondering again

So now I sit in the Hog Island restaurant in the Ferry Building in San Francisco. Malinda is closing up her shift and I am sitting here in the midst of the rest of the waiters as they clean up the restaurant. I’m just going to let me mind wander as I write this, discussing the week, and my thoughts on what’s happened.

Small Software Company, Inc. no longer exists. Really Big Software Company officially acquired the company yesterday and they wasted absolutely no time in getting the sign on the front of the building swapped over to Really Big Software Company. Another Acquisition at least got to keep their sign, and have the addendum, “A Really Big Software Company Company” added to it. Not us. Small Software Company was wiped away, and a sign proclaiming nothing but Really Big Software Company Software was left. Let’s see how this whole transition to a new big company, I’m talking 6000 people, goes.

There was a conservative guest, the leader of a PAC for taxation cuts on NPR last night. He is also on some Libertarian committee. He fiercely backs Bush, and solely on the basis of the Bush Administration’s tax cuts. The funny thing, and I think contradictory thing, to me is that he is of the opinion, as a Libertarian, that people should be able to do whatever the hell they want so long as it doesn’t infringe on his own way of life. This doesn’t mesh with what’s been coming out of the Bush Administration. He gave the example of someone who wants to go home and smoke two joints in their room before going to bed, and he said that he thinks that he has no problem with that. A person smoking two joints in the privacy of their own home has no bearing on his enjoyment of life. Live and let live. Based on that alone, I think that I might need to investigate more about the Libertarian party. Sounds like something that I could jive with. I really hate legislating morality, and no matter how they spin it, the neo conservatives in the Republican party, Bush included, are doing just that with their proposed’In Defense of Marriage’ amendment to the Constitution. He wanted to define marriage in the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION. Would we be in the only nation in the world to have marriage defined in their countries charter? I don’t know for certain. I am so incredibly happy that is failed to even get a simple majority in the Senate this week. I guess what it comes down to, is that he, the fiscal conservative backing Bush, bases his decision on voting on the fiscal policies of the candidate, even if the social stances that the politician takes aren’t in line with his own way of thinking about social issues. I can’t do that. Or, at least I acknowledge that I’m in a position in my life where I can base my decision on social policy and not solely on fiscal policy. Don’t get me wrong, I like my money and want to keep as much of it as I can, as I think that unfortunately more money is the only means to freedom from the corporate monoliths of the world. Freedom from the system comes from more greenbacks in your back pocket.

Sigh … politics. I really hope you all vote in November. I’m done ranting for now.

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